Living with an Alcoholic: Tips for Life with Alcohol Use Disorder

Living With an Alcoholic Spouse

Look at the list of AUD symptoms at the beginning of this article and determine how many of them your partner has so you can get an idea of the severity of the problem. On the other hand, women are more vulnerable to addiction than men, and they become addicted more quickly. When they enter treatment, their addictions are generally more severe, and they have more medical and psychiatric symptoms than men do. They have also suffered more social consequences as a result of their AUD. If your spouse fits any of these criteria, that may help you to understand why an alcohol use disorder is affecting your family. When coping with your spouse’s AUD seems impossible, remember that you’re far from the only one, that there are millions of other men and women in the same position.

Express your concern for their what is mesculin well-being and the impact their alcoholism has on your relationship and family. Encourage them to seek professional help and explore treatment options that are suitable for their needs. Therapy can help non-alcoholic spouses regain a sense of control over their own lives, build resilience, and develop strategies to navigate the complex challenges that come with living with an alcoholic spouse. It is important to seek out a therapist who specializes in addiction or has experience working with individuals affected by addiction.


Emotional connections can be difficult because communication about your spouse’s alcohol is either implicitly or explicitly not allowed. AUDs could lead your partner to lie or fight with you about their use, and your sex life could also suffer. There are various differing treatment options available to someone who is looking to get help for their alcohol use disorder.

Living With an Alcoholic Spouse

Coping with an Alcoholic Partner or Family Member

If a parent has AUD, a child may experience excessive stress because they don’t know what mood their parent will be in from day to day. Children may no longer be able to rely on the adult with AUD, which can place undue pressures on them. They might also be at risk for other forms of physical and emotional violence. But, as with drug addiction, an addiction to alcohol is considered a chronic, or long-term, disease. More than likely, your loved one knows the dangers of AUD, but their addiction is so powerful that they have a hard time controlling it.

You may want to look into staging an intervention, where you and a group of your spouse’s closest family and friends confront them in a nonjudgmental way. There are a number of steps you need to take to ensure you and other family members remain safe, secure and healthy during this difficult time. According to a 2017 SAMHSA report, approximately 10.5% (7.5 million) of U.S. children, aged 17 and younger, live with a parent with AUD – that equates to 1 in 10 children.

  1. The key to dealing with alcohol dependency in the family is staying focused on the situation as it exists today.
  2. Someone with AUD may also become angry or irritable when they don’t have access to alcohol because they’re experiencing withdrawal.
  3. If your spouse is related to someone with an AUD, that could be contributing to their problems with alcohol.
  4. With time, patience, and the right resources, it is possible to navigate this challenging situation and come out stronger on the other side.
  5. Furthermore, it’s crucial you remember one simple fact – you can’t change your partner or loved one.

If Your Partner’s Alcohol Use Affects Your Relationship, These 8 Tips May Help

But these are worth the positive outcomes that come with therapy and dedicated treatment to help a partner stop drinking. If your spouse experiences a relapse, it’s crucial to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Encourage them to learn from the setback and seek the necessary support to get back on track.

For instance, get a pedicure or enjoy a night out at the movies with friends. Doing these things will give you the stamina and resolve you need during this difficult time. If you allow it to, your spouse’s alcoholism will take over your life. When someone you love suffers from an addiction, it can tear you apart.

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